Kevin Bauman |
Bird Photography |
Click below to visit the varius bird picture pages |
Hummingbird, Honeycreeper, Grassquit, & Seedeater |
Kinglet, Warbler & Vireo |
Wrens, Munia, Sparrow & Finch |
Chickadee, Titmouse, Nuthatch, Gnatcatcher, Swallow & Dove |
Flycatcher |
Woodpecker, Woodcreeper, Thrush, Thrasher & Mockingbird |
Oriole, Blackbird, Grackle, Cacique, & Oropendola |
Tanager, Cardinal, Grosbeak, Bunting, Waxwing, Jay, Magpie & Crow |
Trogon, Toucan, Parakeet/Parrot, Macaw, Motmot, Cuckoo, & Saltator |
Turkey, Quail, Vulture, Osprey, Hawk, Eagle, Falcon & Owl |
Kingfisher, Heron, Egret, Ibis, Crane, Cormorant, & Pelican |
Duck, Grebe, Goose, Puffin & Swan |
Gallinule, Sandpiper, Plover, Tern, Booby, Gull & shorebirds |